- Snatch Grip High Pull: 5x3 145
- Bent Over Row: 4x10 175
- 2 Point DB Row: 5x5 90
- DB Shoulder Press: 10/10/10/8 45
- A1. Wide Grip Pulldown: 3x10 150
- A2. Neutral Grip Pulldown: 3x10 120
- A3. Kneeling Neutral Grip: 3x10 200
And that is as far as i made it today, damn. You know, you hear different things, "when you start back after a break, start slow," all the way to "I pulled a PR first workout after 3 weeks off!", i guess you just have to find an inbetween. The 2 point dumbbell rows may be my new favorite exercise, what a great pre-exhaustion set. Let's see how big i can get in the week before GDC...
That's just your nature, you apply it to all factions of your life. One of my favorite things about you. Crazy man.