A few things that have happened over the past few weeks:
- Finally found a strongman competition to do
- Molded a few more Atlas stones (135#, 240#)
- Was defeated by the 240# stone
- Learned a new Log Press technique
- Bought supplies for a Chain Yoke and a 2" Axle Bar
- I trained a lot
Anyhow, I'm wondering if I should start making this a weekly digest. I guess we'll see. For now, here's my training, working sets only, with lots of video!
A1. Deadlift for Time
- 7 x 350# in 40s
- 7 x 350# in 50s
This was before I had an axle and want to test what I could do in a minute.
B1. Max OH Axle Press
- 1 x 165#
- 1 x 195#
- 1 x 215#
- 0 x 230#
used Fat Gripz, so about a 2.5" grip. Real axle is 2".
C1. Pinch Grip Holds
- 30s x 35#
- 30s x 35#
- 30s x 35#
Tuesday, May 1
A1. Log Clean & Press w/Swiss Bar
- 1 x 115#
- 1 x 130#
- 1 x 140#
- 1 x 150#
- 0 x 160#
Used the older clean technique and couldn't get 160# cleaned up. Researched new technique that night.
B1. DB Bench
- 4 x 8 x 80#
C1. Pullups
- 4 x 6 x bw + medium band
D1. Blast Strap Ab Fallouts
- 4 x 10 x bw
E1. Farmer Holds
- 20s x 230#/hand
- 15s x 230#/hand
- 15s x 230#/hand
The 230# was a PR! Sweet.
No video on this one, I think I got home late and just wanted to train.
Thursday, May 3
A1. Log Clean & Press w/Swiss Bar
- 1 x 115#
- 1 x 135#
- 1 x 150#
- 1 x 165#
New "Squat Clean" technique worked great! Just need to work on it more.
B1. Snatch
- 3 x 3 x 105#
C1. SSB Box Squat w/ 2 20#Chains
- 4 x 6 x 255#
D1. Complexes (Front Squat, OH Press, GM)
- 3 x 95#
- 2 x 95#
- 1 x 95#
Video (Youtube won't let me direct link it due to some crummy licensing):
Saturday, May 5
A1. Axle Deadlift
- 4 x 1 x 225#
- 0 x 275#
Used Fat Gripz. This session SUCKED. I was highly discouraged and contemplated backing out of the meet on May 19. Jess convinced me to go to Home Depot and get a real axle (with a 2" grip), so we did Monday.
B1. Sled Pull 50' up, 50' down
- 6 x 295#
C1. Atlas Stones
- 6 x 0 x 240#
New stone. It defeated me, but I will get it this weekend.
Video of Stone Fails:
Monday, May 7
A1. Axle Deadlift
- 6 x 290# in 30s
- 4 x 315# in 30s, dropped #5
That's more like it. Not a great rep count, and some of the lockouts were questionable, but it was my first time doing these. Activated my biceps a bit too much so I need to work on that.
315# is the weight for the meet.
B1. 1-Arm DB Row
- 4 x 6 x 120# per hand
C1. Front Squat
- 3 x 8 x 185#
Wednesday, May 9
A1. Log Clean & Press w/Swiss Bar
- 1 x 115#
- 1 x 135#
- 1 x 155#
- 1 x 175#
- 0 x 200#
More work with the new technique. The 175# felt easy, so I went for 200# but failed. I think I can get 190# up.
The meet starts at 140#, so I think I am rrady for this event.
B1. SSB Squat w/ 2 20#Chains
- 3 x 2 x 315#
C1. Pullups
- 4 x 6 x bw + medium band
D1. Blast Strap Ab Fallouts
- 3 x 8 x bw
E1. Complexes (Front Squat, OH Press, GM)
- 3 x 95#
- 2 x 95#
- 1 x 95#
Overall, training for the competition is going well, knock on wood. I woke up this morning with some tightness and aching in my right bicep, so I cam going to take it easy till the weekend. Then I'll tackle the 240# stone, do some light medley work (yoke/sandbag/sled), and then take next week easy leading up to the competition on Saturday.
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