Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It's a two-fer!

Tuesday PM:

Since I didn't lift Monday, I decided to punish myself with another round of Prowler work. It worked.

30 minute walk to warmup (the dog led the way)

Prowler and Tire Flip Medley

1 x 20 yard low horizontal Prowler push
1 x 20 yard 300#-ish tire flip

rest 1 minute

1 x 20 yard low horizontal Prowler push
1 x 20 yard 300#-ish tire flip

rest 1 minute or so, play with dog

1 x 20 yard low horizontal Prowler push
1 x 20 yard 300#-ish tire flip

rest i don't know how long, dog has his way with me while I lay down

1 x 20 yard low horizontal Prowler push
1 x 20 yard 300#-ish tire flip

Drop to ground and let dog lick the shame off my face for a few minutes before putting the toys away

Wednesday PM:

I am considering moving ME bench day to Wednesday night, and putting DE lower day on Thursday at lunch, so this week is the trial for that to see if I can handle the shorter recovery.

A1. bench press

3 x 5 x 45#
2 x 3 x 95#
3 x 135#
3 x 155#
3 x 185#
1 x 215#
1 x 235#
1 x 250#
0 x 270# This felt fine going down, came out of the hole well, but I hit my sticking point and lost it.
1 x 225 with competition calls
1 x 225 with competition calls

B1. neutral grip lat pulldowns

5 x 50#
3 x 70#
3 x 90#
3 x 120#
24 x 165# (6,5,5,5,3)

B2. push press

5 x 45#
3 x 75#
3 x 95#
24 x 135# (5,7,6,6)

C1. cable hip ad/ab (prehab)

8 x 48#
8 x 48#
8 x 48#

All in all a decent workout, but I am not happy with my bench results. I am going to go to doubles next week, I think, to get my mechanics working better.

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