Yesterday at 8 am, I arrived on the Golden Gate Bridge, with the intention of walking back home, to San Jose. The event was with my gym, Tribull, and it was a fundraising gig. Half the money to make a wish foundation, half to the school.
The coolest thing I saw was dolphins swimming under the bridge as I walked over it. The sky (as you can see) was still bathing everything in a pink morning sunrise. San Francisco is so beautiful and unique, I loved walking through it.
The way down was rough, but not bad. I got heat stroke, and a wicked sunburn. Seriously, apparently Tyler likes it when I make ugly faces, he'd love me now. I look like a red blowfish. (But then again, Tyler does like his jobs like he likes his women, butter-personality) We passed through one town which was NOTHING but funeral supplies, mortuaries, and graveyards. That was interesting... ::cough zombies cough::
Around 5 in the evening, everyone but Sifu and I dropped off and grabbed a ride home. I was INTENT on making it the whole way. Partially because I'm masochistic and like pushing myself, but mostly because I just didn't want to leave Sifu alone to walk the whole way. Only 5 people showed up? Come on, dissapoint!
I made it until about 11:30, before my foot started acting up. I broke my big toe about 3 weeks ago doing kicking drills on the bag. It's not a big deal, just a toe, but combine that with a day of walking and it started getting bad. By 1 am ish it was so bad that I was crying against my will in public. I told Sifu what was going on, and he told me that since it was getting worse, it would probably be best for me to take transportation home while there still was some, because I didn't want to go lame at 4 AM when all the bus lines were inactive. It was a fair point and I argued, but in the end agreed. Lame!!
30 miles.
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