Wednesday, November 2, 2011

rest week

I took a contract job a week ago on impulse, and they're in crunch time, so its absolutely run me into the ground. Sick to minor hallucinating levels right now; therefore no stripper video.

I will, however, post something that I think we can all relate to.... the reason we all work out. Really. Isn't it just to look sexy?

(just kidding, I know we all strive for badassery. I just love this video)


  1. Yeah, make sure you lay low this weekend for sure, i don't want you hallucinating and attacking me next week;) Well, attacking me maybe, but not so much the hallucinating...

  2. "On/off_lightswitch.jpg" > "gradient_slider_lightswitch.jpg"

    Lay low does not compute.
